"The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality,
and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are." Samuel Johnson

Where to start your plan?

Planning is the key to success when it comes to getting a budget holiday. There are many things that you can influence such as when you book, how you travel, whether you go package or build your own agenda. All of these things can have a significant impact on the price you pay. Above all, each of these things are within your control!


After you’ve headed out the door, do you hear yourself asking,

“Did I Forget To Pack Anything?”

The line from the old movies was always, “Did you remember to turn off the stove”. This goes back to gas powered stoves and really doesn’t apply anymore.

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But there are some electrical appliances you should turn off before you go. I always turn off my power strip that powers my computer, since it will be with me.

I shut off the microwave and any other electrical appliances that won’t be needed for three weeks. About the only things I leave plugged in are the television, refrigerator, and stove. Of course, all the lights have power and are on a timer to make it appear like I am at home.

With numerous checklists, it is difficult for me to forget anything. I am a frequent traveler and use lists to ensure that I donít forget anything important at home.

Technically, I could get by in Thailand with just my passport, plane tickets and an ATM card. But I do like to have some clothes, gifts, and most of my toiletries with me when I go.

Plus, with all my electronic gizmos, I need all kinds of chargers, power cords, and batteries or I won’t be able to function. The computer, camera, DVD player, noise reduction headphones, and cell phone all need attention.

Take a look at the travel checklist I’ve used for my trips to help you plan.

Having a detailed checklist makes it so much easier to travel and not forget anything. I bring a minimum of clothing because I know that I will do some shopping over there. It just can’t be helped.

It is much easier when you have everything written down. As I get older, I tend to forget the simplest of things. So, a travel checklist works for me. If I just had to rely on my memory, I know that I would forget something.